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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

A beautiful family comes together for rose planting!

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Well, it's by far the largest group to ever come and plant one rose bush, but we were thrilled! Almost a year after the big day, Mary, Landon & Company came to the chapel this afternoon to plant their beautiful rose. Nice location in the garden, and great placement of the sign! So special, and such a gift to each time the Celebration Garden grows, we're reminded that we've made a difference in so many lives! Viva Mary & Landon!

Thankfully, it looks like the severe weather warnings for our area have been cancelled for tonight. We'll still probably get some blessed rain, but hopefully nothing that blows the top off the chapel! We surely need to get the tops up on both convertibles...but at least it doesn't look severe as it once did! (Maybe I need the 1972 Fleetwood Brougham sedan that Bill saw in need to put the top up?) :)

Lots of fun and frivolous visits this weekend at the chapel.....Emily and Chas, Jessica and Jared, Melissa and Tony.........the fun just went on and on...I need Sunday to rehab!

Still enjoyed the FABUHLUS spaghetti sauce provided by Gary Askins on Friday night.... Scenes from is coming right along....and the pasta sauce was incredible! With all those good looks, who knew he could cook, too!?!!?

Our wish for you today is to have so many blessings you couldn't count them if you wanted to....and when a friend is not seeing life with any sunny side up at all......pray for them until their 'yolk' appears! hehehehe

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