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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Busy, Busy, Busy....but that's GOOD, Right?

Well, we've survived some major fun around here, and I want to start off by posting the excellent 'retro-fabulocity' photo of Ashley and Zach on their wedding day. I just wish I had Zach's shoes in this picture!

The part I REALLY love is the miniature "Greg" on their shoulders looking like he's on his phone or mildly 'wondering'! Congratulations to A&Z and such a classy wedding........ the tent is actually down! We look forward to seeing these two again, soon!

Rain is headed our way, and such a blessing as usual! The roses look fantastic in the chapel garden, and we never complain about it, even though we're scheduled to have an excellent engagement photo shoot here tonight. No matter, we'll use the beautiful indoor shots!

Still need to get some bedding plants in the ground, but otherwise, things look excellent at the chapel-efski. We're so excited about Margarita and David's big day as well as the couple of limousine gigs this weekend. Never a dull moment around this wonderful place! Blessings to everyone checking in on the blog today, and here's to a very tremendous tomorrow!

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