Whooooooooo's Wedding IS this, anyway? We love the custom look, feels and designs of great days!
Well, you wouldn't expect a glam, sparkling owl in a top hat at a wedding right? WRONG! You must not know Jarrah and Mike, one of Caliber Oak's newest couples. They already want to come out and share wine with us, so we must have had a wickedly great time on their biggest of days. The top hat that Mr. Owl is sporting in this photo is none other than the delightful 1890's gift provided by Colin Cope of Dallas that originated at a shop on the High Street in London. I actually wore the hat with my frock coat for the Gaskin's ceremony, and it was fun! The owl was a rental, but he wears it well, and made the most out of the unique and vivid theme of the wedding weekend. Those of you who DO know Mike and Jarrah know that they deal with the other end of celebrations than we do. Mike is owner/operator of Central Texas Mortuary, and Jarrah runs Crotty Funeral Home with her mom. Is this a match or what! They both provide caring, professional and very much needed services to the multi-county area and are a delight to have fun with! When's the last time you saw a bride take beautiful wedding day photos on top of her own creamy white Cadillac hearse? Hmmmmm? It was amazing. They took the theme and ran with it and made it special for everyone. So many of our guests were from the funeral industry that it all melded together perfectly. We'll be sharing more photos from the special day in future posts. Super neat-0 groom alert....about 3 days before the big day, Mike surprised Jarrah with a honeymoon trip to St. Thomas! They had a great time, and we can't wait to see them. Their wedding reminded us that your day is YOUR day. You get to pick the theme, make it what you've dreamt of, and make it absolutely just right for the two of you. That's our joy............helping making the vision come together with our own efforts and the efforts and talents of countless others. From folks who make the glasses sparkle to the getaway car drivers to those little extra touches from start to finish. The Good Lord knew what he was doing when he gave us this chapel, and we're doing our best to share that with the most special folks in the world that he sends our way.
In other news...........Miss Denise's annual tea was this weekend, with future posts to feature some fun shots from that event. Elena is making things gorgeous down there right now as I type for S&R's large event this weekend....cannot wait! Sunday marks the return of charity concerts to our great room, and if you've got time, please come to the 2p concert with Denise and Bev for a very worthy charity on Sunday. $10 requested donation with refreshments provided. Let Denise know you'll be here at 254. 760. 1590. That would be great!
Bible study was a smash hit out of the park yesterday (as usual) and this group is truly one of the biggest blessings in our lives. Already looking forward to next Sunday!
Well, that's about all the news that's fit to print for the chapel at this point, and I need to head to Belton. Blessings to one and all. Come visit!