This is a pretty neat reflective shot from the chapel entryway. Mrs. Boss caught this one!

The neat thing about all these mirrors in the chapel is how they change every minute of every day, depending on what's going on, the lighting, the weather, etc. This one turned out pretty neat, since it's a shot of the cake buffet all set for a wedding this summer with antique cake plates on top. The woodwork looks terrific here on the buffet, and it's fun to think about how many great memories have been made on and around this surface! Hundreds of couples have cut their cake here, and we hope that hundreds more will in the future! Again, the memories are what makes it all worthwhile in the end...
Still waiting on/praying for rain! Nothing in sight, but Mrs. Boss continues to water the zinnias & Company to attempt to keep things green for the busy fall wedding season. The strange thing is that the yard is FULL of sprouty turkey-foot weed, even though we haven't had any rain at all. It must be the morning dew that's doing it, but it's pretty naggish to have to ask Clemente to trim all that up every week without the benefit of real, live rain for the flowers, shrubs and trees. No matter, we'll take whatever God hands out and be thankful!
Looking forward to what I already know is going to be a great visit today with Amanda and Kyle and I have a feeling they're just right for our space. Again, time will tell, and HE knows who's supposed to get married here and who isn't! Fun!
Anyway, have a wonderful day, count your blessings, and don't forget that this is the day the Lord has made, so let us rejoice and be glad in it! Later, gaters!