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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Floating about with an excellent bride and groom who have a special delivery coming from the stork!

I just realized that nobody uses the stork metaphor anymore. Vlasic pickles, I think, and the line from "It's a Wonderful Life". Well, the stork is scheduled to visit the Bolding's house in the not too distant future, but Alice was a total trooper and was willing to take a ride on the partay barge. It was great seeing them both, and for you Chapel at Caliber Oak regular episode fans, these are the two with the largest reception departure ever. The fire truck! Remember!!?!

Had an outstanding meeting yesterday with Kerri, Maci and Mason to plan their wedding day. I get to officiate, we've got EmmyLou staring in her second departure, and the bride, groom and mom are an absolute treat and delight to work with. We couldn't be more excited about this game plan, and love their laid back attitude and genuine affection for each other. He just lights up when she walks into the room.

Otherwise, just watering plants, fiddling about and maybe getting some new cameras on the front of the chapel. We hope everyone is staying as cool as they can right now, and enjoying the almost summertime. Blessings to each and all, and come see us! You know where we are! (or if we're on the lake, we'll pick you up on the dock!) Later!


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