Finally getting to post this amazing photo from an amazing wedding with an amazing bride and groom!

Jarrah & Mike's wedding was anything but typical! Since she's Crotty Funeral Home and he's Central Texas' star mortician....well, you can just imagine that the wedding was VERY interesting and cool. From the Crotty Hearse in the driveway for the photo ops to the beautiful black bridal gown and the deeper tones all about, the event was a smash. They were a delight to work with and we're so thankful that they're right here in Salado so that we'll get to see them! Their 'surprise' honeymoon to St. Thomas was a hit, and they're home safe and sound. We pray for many years of health and happiness for the new Gaskins clan, and can't wait to open a bottle with them one day soon!
Mrs. C strikes again with an amazing chapel cleanup despite the construction in progress. The Christmas tree is up and we'll get a photo out there asap, but it looks absolutely amazing. We couldn't done it without Chloe's help, and it's probably the prettiest the chapel tree has ever looked. We had no idea how many ornaments we had at the chapel, but considering this is the ELEVENTH Christmas there (hard to believe) we've collected some as gifts and bauble-finds, etc. It really does look great, so we're thrilled that the 3 Christmas parties here are going to be so well decorated. This really is the earliest we've EVER decorated at the house and the chapel, but it's kind of fun to get the jump on the season!
Well, lots to do today, so we'll close. Come see us, you know where we are, and if you see Mike and Jarrah around town, give them a nice, 'congrats' fistbump! Later!