Elegant and intimate. Just right for the big day. Our brides and families really know how!

We're just amazed at technology just about all the time. Not just the dashboards on our cars, the phones and the entertainment devices, but things as simple as how amazingly real these candles look! We don't allow real, live-flame candles for weddings, but it doesn't really matter, since the 'false flame' versions are not only easier and less messy to deal with, but look so amazingly real. These tapers are just hard to believe, and I'm so glad that the advent of very high quality 'flames' is kind of ushering in a renewed interest in having taper candles. We've always been fans of tapers over pillars/tea lights, but they've always been such a drippy, linen-cringing event in the past. Thank you, fake candle creators! We're living in the future! LOL!
The chapel continues to be relatively quiet today, with the exception of working on tree placement and setup for a dinner party. Also, I found my first 'twig hook' that I'm going to attempt for the lanterns that Lisa brought us. Miss Denise very much wants them in the garden area in the front of the chapel, so that's my goal, and I'm working on a non-purchased, natural look for the candlestands. We shall see how it all turns out! Love a challenge, and also (as usual) love approaching it from a different angle. We were talking with a bride and groom this week about how wonderfully a wedding can blossom here without spending $$,$$$! It's all about repurposing and being creative!
Ok, well, that's about all I've got for the chapel blog today. Hope all our brides, grooms, families and fans are doing great! Say extra prayers for our world and our blessings between now and Christmas. It's the best gift you can give!