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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

The Fall Season is in full swing! So much FUN!

This time of year has got to be one of our very favorites. Not a moment to lose, working on a wedding every day, and making memories that last a lifetime. It's full-speed ahead right now, and we love it! Things are coming together beautifully for A&N's big day and everything is falling into place for everything between now and December 31st! Whew! No devil's workshop around here........these hands aren't IDLE!

Had a beautiful photo shoot with The Book of Beautiful Weddings yesterday, and even though it was crazy hot and crazy humid, their team pulled it off beautifully. Cannot wait to see the rushes of the first shots, and know it'll be special, as always. Today's weather........about 9 degrees cooler at this point, which would have come in handy yesterday! =======================================Headed into town earlier to visit Twisted Metal to repair the Town Car. They seemed delightful, and hope we'll build a wonderful working relationship. Convenience and talent are everything! ===============================================Still eating off of all the great goodies collected this weekend at Sillhouse Hollow Lake while we enjoyed the RV. Lots of visitors, and great lake views and weather. What a blessing that this special place is only 15 miles from home! =========================================================================================He's completely in charge. We get to make independent decisions, but His plan really should be our plan. It just seems to work better that way. Hope everyone is having a tremendous week, and prayers to a special Marine having a procedure today that all goes beautifully! Blessings!

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