Not every girl who visits the chapel is a bride....yet!

This is a photo from a totally unexpected and fun day when the Wolf Pack were in town. What a fun chance to catch up, and Robert even got to make loud noises at the range! Such a great couple this is, and the girls are amazingly wonderful. Don't you just love surprises?
Well, the Lenten Season has rolled around again this year and we're ready. This years dietary and beverage observations are pretty strong, but definitely worth it. We're headed out in a few minutes for our 3-mile walk, which is another daily Lenten staple. Fat Tuesday was with one of the best celebrations ever, and we're cruising right into Lent with a positive attitude, lightened load and anticipation for the Blessed Easter Day! ....threw some Lenten ammo downrange this morning with our buddy Will, who's new holster makes him an even cooler big, tough guy... Good people to know! :) We're having so much fun exploring skills and making the world just a little safer! :) ...Also looking forward to catching up on some reading during Lent, as the pile on the nightstand is pretty tall, and there's some interesting stuff in there. ...Even survived yoga last night, and already looking forward to the next session on March 20. We hope you can join was great!