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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Is this a luncheon color fiesta or WHAT?

Swear to God! This photo has NOT been retouched! This is exactly as it was served this afternoon for Caeleb's Grandmother's luncheon at the chapel. Peggy is a sheer delight, and we had so much fun. The food was pretty, but the day was even better! We're so blessed to have fun times like this at the chapel.

Looking forward to K&J picking out their 'stuff' for their wedding tomorrow and having a great day in the spa. It's hotter than blazes out there, but we're thankful for the air conditioning and water in the pool!

Crisis moments can happen at any time....we're all just an absolute gift from God....every breath, every thought, every wonderful benefit. Thanks be to Him for what we're given and able to enjoy. You never know when the end could be near. Enjoy it. Savor it, and love it! He's done it all for YOU! Blessings to all for a grrrrrrrrrrreat weekend!

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