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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Chillin' in Style This Summer! Woohoo!

Absolutely love our new Caliber Oak polos! Kind of experimented with a couple of them for the boss and I, and we'll see how it goes. Pretty cool looking, and much thanks to Sheri Joseph for getting the monogramming done. Can't wait to wear mine again, after I get it out of the wash! (Guess I needed more than one!)

All is beyond wonderful at the chapel since we've last posted. We had a magical wedding for Beth and Ron here, and the delightful S&J have booked their wedding for later this year! We couldn't be more pleased. Our family even got to visit for a few days, and we were able to host a ministry appreciation dinner for St. Stephen Catholic Church in Salado. Whew.....! Anything but bored. Got to see my original po-lice partner last weekend, and even got some range time in with a young gunman we've known for a long time. Never a dull moment! Excited about steak dinner tomorrow night, more range time on Saturday, and a special bride and groom visit as well. Sunday has 'really warm picnic' written all over it, so we'll see how it goes!.........oh, and almost forgot, we were able to watch a movie on the inside big wall again for the first time in a long time with the technical assistance of Mr. Barrett! "SING" was incredible, and it's our second time to see it in 3 days.

He is constantly blessing. Some days just go smoother than others from OUR perspective, but He knows what he's doing. Rock along with Him, and it'll all grove out! Blessings to you!

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