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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

The posters are here! The posters are here!

...And they look amazing! Many thanks to the talented Jordan Overturf of Overturf Media and Consulting! I was supposed to get this done in December, and Jordan had to finally send the file to make it happen! No matter. Thanks to KK and Sheri for producing and delivering! Just in time for this week's Kite Fest Planning Meeting, so you'll be seeing them around town. Anyone wanting one...just let us know, and also please feel free to share this graphic so that we can get folks here on April 30th!

Relaxing and productive day at the chapel. New trailing rosemary in the entryway, chapel linens almost done, 3 mile walk, and other new accomplishments. Thinking it'll be a creamy pasta kinda night with absolutely nothing planned. Tomorrow's slate looks pretty much the same, which is wonderful, and we're looking forward to church and maybe lashing down some of the climbing roses that seem to have a mind of their own!

He works out every situation according to our needs. Sometimes, when things turn out the way you didn't want them's a bit harder to accept, BUT we all know that the right situation will work itself out. Prayers to all of you for a wonderful weekend!

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