Sometimes, wear and tear = beauty!

A photo similar to this may have been posted a while back, but we just love it when this happens. At a certain time, almost every day, the light is just right in the chapel kitchen window, and it casts a shadow through the stained glass that echoes on the floor. While the shadow hasn't changed, we love the worn, old-world effect of the floorboards at this stage. Lots of folks would probably repaint, renew....nope. Every chip, crack, scuff and imperfection is a reminder of the hundreds of beautiful weddings and events that have happened here....almost all of them involving the kitchen! How many thousands and thousands of footsteps have crossed these very boards in pursuit of the perfect wedding for a bride and groom. Working diligently, spilling a little, and laughing often, the staff at our chapel have been an amazing part of the experience for so many. Clearly, when this was painted originally, the final product was far from perfect. However, a wise decor genius told me to NEVER make it 'too' perfect, and that imperfections are the hallmark of a genuine and beautiful surface. So very true. Our prayer is that these boards host thousands of weddings to come in the future....a little worn, a little chipped, but definitely loved!
Slow chapel day today, but a very enjoyable one! Headed into town for ingredients for an excellent dinner with T&C this evening.... Roasted chicken breasts in peppered bacon, french soup, potatoes a la Francais, salad AND wine! Can't wait. Looking forward to setting the table. Things look a little bare outside, and we're anxious for springy-er temperatures on a consistent basis for landscaping fun.
Appreciating every minute that we can....isn't that a great goal? Who knows how many we have? How many will be this pleasant, without strife. What a wonder to have received so many blessings from our God who loves us entirely! Head out there, be kind, smile, and pray for others, ok?!??!? :)