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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

"SomeWHERE, under the rainBOW..."

Talie took this amazing photo on Sunday after tea and before the final performance of Box Office Bedlam at Barrow Brewing for the Public Arts League. It's a perfect reflection of the day...warm colors, hopeful rainbow, and a sense of joy and completion for the weekend. Thanks for the great shot, Tal, and Thank you, God for your chapel, rainbow and too many blessings to count!

It's linen laundry day at the chapel today! After a beautiful, large wedding saturday night, we set up for tea on sunday, got washed out of the tent, and set up another tea service in the main room. As a result, loads of the stuff will be washed, dried and folded until FRIDAY! If we wouldn't have doubled up on the soaking of some of it, it'd seriously not be done until next monday or tuesday! Many thanks to Angie for making the place sparkle after not such a sparkly wedding weekend. We're thankful that Jess & Tyler's wedding weather was so much more wonderful than Sunday or Monday! Yikes....what a mess that would have been!

The power of prayer. We have been reminded that when we turn to Him, He hears us and He must smile even larger when thousands pray at the same time.

Blessings to all for an amazing Wednesday!

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