It's not all rice and lace around here! :)

Don't you just love it when a groom shoots well? We're so proud in general of our Matthew, but I found this picture from last year today and thought it was a great contrast between the chapel entry hall and his outstanding shooting. Beautiful job with the .44 mag, sir, and we look forward to seeing you VERY soon!
Weather has turned chilly, but we truly have NOTHING to complain about! We're planning to take our walk today and will just have to bundle up. Beverages are being aquired for Wedding Homecoming Dinner, and we're so excited to see so many wonderful faces.
Pressing on. Just making the best of things until answers are clear. That's the secret to happiness, we think. It's so fun to process through experiences that He's provided for us and slowly unravel and figure some things out. What a blessing each day of our lives can be! Have a far-out friday, and a blessed weekend!