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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

We can't remember the last Christmas roses!

Even though all this warm-weather fun is supposed to come to a screeching halt tomorrow, we still can't believe our blessings for the most mild December in recent memory. Truly, to have this many antique french roses for the Christmas Day dinner table is something that doesn't happen very often. They are truly beautiful and really added a lot to the festivities.

Not much going on today. Ol' Cap is recovering from 2 weeks of Christmas cheer and is a little under the weather... :) Miss Denise is getting a dress fitted this morning, and we actually don't have much going on at the chapel. Supposed to have a special visitor tomorrow and monday, so that's certainly something to look forward to.

He never leaves you. Every smiles or in pain...He is there. God bless everyone for a a great post-Christmas day!

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