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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Can you say adorable? I thought you could!

Surfing for a fun wedding shot this morning....and I came upon one that I hadn't seen before. Now this might just be too sickeningly sweet for most couples....but this really IS who these two wonderful people are for each other. We adore them both, and they're both have such servant's hearts in their professional and personal lives. God bless Jessica and Chris for all the wonderful things they do for so many. Many happy years of this kind of cuteness!

Wow...that WAS pretty sweet! :) Today's chapel activities are sponsored by oak wilt and winter! Sadly, the old oak tree down by the horse barn has died....but we have to wait to cut it down for a while to help prevent the oak wilt from spreading faster (hopefully!). Unfortunately, on of the limbs has really drooped down, and it's tough getting the Fleetwood in and out of the barn where she sleeps. That's being taken care of today, as well as getting all outdoor plants headed for the greenhouse! Supposed to be 33 degrees for a low this Saturday! Woohooo NOT. We're not looking forward to that, but it's just part of real life....winter follows summer....yeah, yeah, yeah....whatever :)

Asking for attitude. Sometimes, I think we need to just ask the Big Guy for an uplift to our day....a smile for our face....and maybe a brisk walk. It can really make a difference and change the way we see things. Ask Him today for a uplifted, positive attitude, and see what He sends. You won't be sorry! Blessings for a great day!

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