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Chapel Blog | Our weddings, events and news

Cewl, Cap! What's THAT for? :)

The brave 4Runner made it to HD in Temple and back with 100 new edge blocks for a new terrace on the SW corner of the chapel. Looks like we'll edge with these cool, bevelled pavers and then do in-fill with decomposed granite. It's a spot where grass doesn't grow, and the water we'll see how this works. End result may make it great for a 'cocktailing terrace' for guest books, drinks tables, not.getting.mud.on.your.dressy.heals area, etc. Fun to see the evolution happen.

Lunch is about to be served in the chapel so I've got to run. Just puttering around today, since the edging stones have already been stacked. Ready for the rain we hear is coming! Looking forward to meeting C&J tomorrow for their tour! Should be exciting.... Right after Cap's 90 minute massage....mmmmmmmmmmm....thanks, Miss Denise! Realized today that I was supposed to buy bar & chain oil for the chainsaw, and forgot that, so may even look at some new light fixtures for the french doors on the bridal courtyard side! Always havin' fun!

Heard a great audio presentation from a Police Officer who survived the rioting in L.A. in 1991. He cherishes his intercessional prayers to Our Holy Mother...and it reminded me how important it is to say a 'Hail Mary' over every plant at the ranch during the hot summer....I'm praying the Rosary while I'm watering! Blessing to everyone today for a day full of positive changes, hope and healing! Chow-ski!

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