"You'd best smile when you say 'I Do'"

This was surely the coolest bride and groom request for Cap's wedding day officiant outfit! Kyra picked out the vest, and the rest was just right for the ceremony. A few raised eyebrows when the stagecoach model 12 gauge double barrel shotgun went down the aisle, perhaps? I'm not sure. All I know is the look on Cap's face right here used to just preceed an arrest... :) Especially our very special groom absolutely loved Cap's getup for the day, and it really was fun!
Rain is headed our way, but we really never complain. Trying to figure out how to keep the decomposed granite from washing away in the chapel circle, but think we've come up with a freshened drainage ditch idea that should work very well.
Lots of linens to wash around here from the big wedding weekend, so I may want to get on that! Pretty much looks like it may be an 'indoor' day today. Blessings to all and special prayers to those in need. Have strength that He provides, and be SURE not to fear today and every day!